Wednesday, December 30, 2009

For someone that can talk to much in person. i should really have more posts. not much to say except i had a really funny night last night. i think the way i blog will change. and i always tend not to blog for long expanses of time. uhm. i need someone like m&n. i thin its uber important to make my life more interesting before i regret it. and i just added a lame photo until i can find a better profile pic and thats it. goodmorning america

Sunday, September 27, 2009

wow, i have not blogged in forever!
but i probably havent let down my "massive" following. im pretty sure i wasnt blogging cause i had nothing to blog about, but now my life feels a ton more interesting and worth listening to. so lets update on my life: secretary of gsa, not too lonely anymore, and i do alot of vids now. theres not much to say except i had a good time this weekend and things will get more interesting. i dont like to say grace in chinese.

Be sweet like Gilberts birthday cake!

Monday, July 20, 2009

tonight is sweltering as usual, the summer heat wave struck and its really hot. i cant bear to wear anything but wife-b's and shorts all day. Ive been really bored and slightly antisocial, don't know why. i met someone knew and its really fun to talk but they're in trouble right now so that's no good. i got so bored i decided to blog actually. Me and my friends made a horror movie (wrong season no?) and its up there, feel free to watch it and rate and whatnot, I'm really wanting to do a vlog now, something having to do with life lessons and stuff. i wonder if it'll catch on? i get to hang out with my friend tomorrow, something private and one on one, which i really like. I started getting pudgy to my standards recently, that means high-fiber supplements. ran out to albertsons and grabbed a bad of Bob's red mill wheat bran for 1.85 last night. so so so good for you and so affordable too. alot of people don't know that fiber helps weight loss. anyways, enough health guru rant. I'm not even an expert or anything. saw a really sad commercial on YouTube about a funeral and family, made me cry, went to the swapmeet this weekend and missed out on a kiss vinyl 78 called dynasty, too bad too cause it was worth forty dollars on the collectors market and was marked at only two. its alright i guess. i tend to repeat things so forgive me. not much more to say tonight? i don't think so... well sweet dreams everyone

Friday, July 17, 2009

haven't blogged in a while, tend to do that don't i? i should stop. summer is almost halfway through and i think its going pretty well. I've been hanging out with all my friends and stuff and even made a new friend. in a way its a new friend i guess. so i got a new watch that i broke earlier, i was so happy about it. friends came over yesterday and we made a little horror movie/ talky blog I've really been wanting to do a blog or something but i don't know what to say. and my friends that i love hanging out left for Europe for a couple days, not fun! heard a really funny thing today though, a gay guy saying "no hetero" i think ill start saying that! went to the beach to get that new watch, its a time teller p from Nixon, its so beautiful, and i made a necklace for myself, its a Dharma Wheel made from 100% recycled stuff, really just an old candy tin and those strings you get from the tags that you get from jeans. I'm such a activist. i skipped out on this years temple retreat, i didn't think i could part with my hair and i guess it shows. my hair goes down to my lips now ill cut it soon. and i feel kinda lonely since my friends are gone but i know that ll blow over as soon as they come back. i think that's pretty much it for now, i definitely will start writing on my forehead to remember to blog. sweet dreams!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

summer is so beautiful, the embodiment of relaxation and calmness (be it in the form of partying or sleep). i cannot wait to experience summer once again. it seems like all the summers past were just a waste of time. this year, i am going to fully use it to my advantage, and enjoy the many long hours i have to myself and with my friends. I'm determined to find my summer love and find true happiness. i heard the sweetest line today, or last night, its all a blur. but what the song said was that when this guy and his lover were together, he would always take his watch off so that they shared there time with no one but themselves, i don't know about you guys but i think that is absolutely amiable. So, picture time, picture above is the first picture i took of the summer sky. i kinda changed the angles so that the trunk of the great old tree would look like a road. which is what i hope my road through summer will be like. long, fruitful, and in the end, green and lush with yield. and summer will still be there. so the song. boy i hope ill be able to relate to that over the summer, its not that i need someone, its just a long for them. you know, loneliness is a poison to sanity, independence, not so, but loneliness yes. tomorrow is my last day of my sophomore year and i want to thank anyone and everyone that made it worth having and memorable. i cant believe how much i love the people at my school! they make it great. i went out today and had a good time too. i just want to remember my second to the last day as much as i can. carefully documenting each moment worth remembering with photography. tomorrow too will be just like that, but to an even greater extent. this will be a hopefully stirring, memorable, and sensational summer. i love you guys. goodnight! and have sweet sweet dreams

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

finals week, lots of stress but it seems like it subsided today. my teacher showed a ton of kindness to me when she told me that she genuinely felt i was intelligent enough to take her ap class so i feel really indebted to her. and then i got home early and the person i wanted to befriend didn't befriend me yet, but it was a step to even try. so i feel good about that. the rest of my finals are relatively easy and i don't worry very much. picture up there got taken at temple about thirty minutes before we even start praying, really patient people, to even stand there for 30 minutes. so, school is coming to an end and i plan to really be productive this summer and to be as impressive as i can. impressive as in making an impression, but what other definition is there? well, i cant put it into words well. and i listened to the same song all day, i don't get songs stuck in my head like some people claim but i do crave songs and today it was "your visits are getting shorter" by bloc party from infinity. i feel really parallel to it, i haven't done anything like i should and I've faltered to even care about anything i should this year. tomorrow, exam on Cyrano and to kill a mockingbird. what a good book tkm is. i love that stuff, even though its not very deep, unless you read it deeply, its got great brevity. i read like three novels in a week recently, boy meets boy, geography club, and St's of Augustine. really good gay novels. one of those few things i can relate to and it really helps improve the outlook on life. well, that's all for today. so sweet dreams everyone more tomorrow? 2 me up

Friday, June 5, 2009


summer is almost starting and im really excited.v. i want to start clean next year when school starts and this summer is all about relaxation, contemplation, and producing happiness.i. i took a picture in chemistry a couple days ago. you can see it. its two gummi worms *yes, the high quality confection.n.* and there was only two left in the bag. it embodies a major goal this summer, i hope for someone to care for me. these two gummi worms symbolise love and that they're there for each other. something i don't have. i want it, yet im not looking, yet I'm wanting, its a hard to explain sensation but i think a majority of you guys know what i mean.c. the fear and stuff. im basically looking for some love but not even romantic love. i just need someone that can hear me out and totally know what i mean. its not that i dont have that, i have great friends for that like Christine and Hieu etc. but I'm looking for something specific.e. hopefully everything turns out well. sweet dreams you guys, more on the week tomorrow, if i remember to get on considering my two month long slump about blogging. sweet dreams!